Create flow state on command and improve your mental output 5X or more with the productivity program used by NAVY Seals, fortune 500 executives, and peak global performers. 


Discover how you could double your productivity … finally get your inbox to zero and keep it there … while gaining control over your workday. All with a new brain-based effectiveness training.


Master Your Productivity

For Gmail and Outlook users


Don’t take our word for it. Hear from some of the most elite business operators…


"Without reservation, I recommend this training if you want to take your output to an ELITE level."

-Mark McGinnis, US Navy SEAL Commander

"... I can still hear the hallways and phone calls reverberating with the impact of what we were taught. I know the ripple effect of this training will bear productivity fruit for our team years from now. I couldn't be more grateful for this training and can't recommend it highly enough for other organizations looking to take their team to elite levels of productivity and deep work."

-Chris Moore, Vice President of Operations at GPR

"In my 30+ years in the telecom industry, I've attended countless seminars, trainings, development programs, but no other training has added such value in organizing my work and life… A huge thank you!"

-Rich Coit, Executive Director at SDTA

"...For me it has been hands down the most effective improvement and self-assessment training… Immediately, I have become more efficient and my perspective on priorities has changed. … I would enthusiastically recommend it."

-Robert Mullen, Chief Legal Officer at Aultman Health Foundation

It's Monday morning, and you're at the office.

You’re two cups of Starbucks deep and ready to seize the day.

You crack open your project when you notice a familiar red notification.

The first email of the day.

No problem, you think, and start to tackle it when two more emails come screaming in.

Each one urgent. 

Each demanding your attention.

Each taking that steam right out of your “seize the day” mindset.

And that’s when you realize it's going to be one of those days.


And you're right…

Emails fly in faster than planes to an airport, and you're struggling to stay afloat.

But the more you paddle, the more you seem to fall behind. 

And before you know it, that familiar sinking feeling sets in.

It's 11 AM, and you haven't actually done the job you're paid to do.

Instead, you've been distracted, handling emails all morning, working in crisis mode, robbing you of another productive day.

Unfortunately, this is the reality for many business people.

From customer service to CEO, business people nationwide have a productivity problem.

Did you know…

  • The average employee is only productive 31% of an 8-hour workday.

  • It takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to refocus on a task after a distraction.

  • Multitasking can reduce productivity by up to 40%.

  • 24 billion hours are wasted each year as a result of unproductive meetings.

And you may have a productivity problem too, if:

  • You're working longer hours yet getting less done.

  • You're replying to more emails, yet never catching up.

  • Your inbox has hundreds of unorganized messages, and time spent away from your inbox creates panic. 

  • You act like everything is fine on the outside, but you're feeling like a wadded ball of stress on the inside.

You need a solution… but the normal solutions just don’t cut it. 

Unfortunately, you can’t always solve your productivity problem by working harder.

Because the fact is, the workload can be too much. Especially the higher you climb the corporate ladder. 

And it’s going to take a lot more than working smarter.

We've all heard that before and have tried!

Focusing solely on time management won’t cut it either...

‘Time management’ is a misnomer & It takes a lot more than watching the clock to handle a full workload.

But there is something you can do…

You can manage yourself.

Which means: 

  • Understanding your body’s natural ebbs and flows so you’re doing your best work at your mental peaks and redundant tasks when you’re less creative.

  • Programming intentional periods of rest to work with your biorhythm.

  • Being realistic about what you can take on in an average day (you probably don’t need to work nearly as many hours as you think when you’re in flow states).

  • Using the tools you have to their potential instead of relying on old, ingrained habits.

  • Organizing your day to where you’re mainly spending your time doing activities that move the business forward.

And this simple switch of taking control of your day gives you the freedom to:

  • Get more out of life in bigger, quicker, and easier chunks.

  • Work in your flow state and increase your natural energy levels.

  • Get your inbox to zero and keep it there.

  • Live your life living exactly how you choose.

This is the reality for the over 10,000 professionals who have taken our life-changing training.

And it can soon be your reality, too, as soon as you view productivity differently. Here’s how to do exactly that.

Meet The Focus to Evolve Academy, Your Hub For Brain-Based Effectiveness Training.

On average, our attendees get a minimum of 4 weeks (20+ days) of time per year back, a zero email inbox, and no longer worry over missing emails or forgotten requests. 

The Academy is an online productivity training program that shows you how to balance your workload with the times you are at your mental peak.

The end result is powerful sessions of focused work and a balanced life—allowing you to get more done in less time immediately!

Our process is thorough…

  • We show you how to get into a flow state on command by studying your brain, body, and natural biorhythms. 

  • And then overlay your moments of peak performance onto your Outlook and Gmail for predictable, scheduled moments of deep work and profound accomplishment.

  • We then protect your deep work with an advanced crash course on how to use Outlook and Gmail, the true way it is intended to be used.

  • You’ll be able to turn these programs into your own personal assistant freeing you from hours of time lost to your inbox per day and giving you complete control of your workload even if you are in the most intense role. 

Please know, this isn’t about color coordination or setting custom alerts you can easily find for free online.

After our advanced but simple training, you can get a minimum of 4 weeks per year gained back, a zero email inbox, stop you from worrying over missed emails. 

And that's just the beginning…

Inside the Academy, you’ll also discover how to:

  • Enter the flow state on command and improve your mental output by 5X or more!

  • Gain back a minimum of one day per week with advanced distraction strategies.

  • Be present in your work life and home life for a more fulfilling day!

  • Get huge bursts of energy in your mornings and throughout your afternoons using natural biorhythms.

  • Only do the work you want to do by protecting your time from low-level activities.

  • Spend less time in Outlook or Gmail by turning it into your personal secretary.

  • Live your ideal day, every day, by creating the best schedule for yourself.

  • Lower stress by having a zero email inbox

  • Feel in control at work and life!

Please know that our training isn't just another motivational speech, a lesson about willpower, or something you hear today and forget tomorrow.

Instead, this is a proven system to pull you in the new direction of higher focus, deliberate accomplishment, and balanced thriving.

If you're serious about taking back control of your life, doubling your productivity, multiplying your energy, getting your inbox down to zero, and keeping it there, join The Focus to Evolve Academy today.

So what's the investment?

After sharing our training with over 10,000 professionals and giving them an average of 4 weeks back per year, we know the value.

The average CEO earns $198,158 per year or $16,513 per month.

And your average manager earns $65,030 or $5,419 per month

And many of the CEOs & managers who’ve taken the program would easily invest a good chunk of their earnings for 4 weeks of their life back. 

And considering we give you back one month back per year, we could easily justify $1,000, $2,000, or even $5,000 for our training.

But as part of our commitment to help you make quicker decisions, we’re going to give you access to the entire program for one full year.  

For only $297. 

Because we want to get this into as many hands as possible so more people can take back control over their day.

Being stressed out, working out of your inbox, and worrying about how you can get more done is no way to live life.

The hours you'll get back are more than worth the cost of admission.

Here's How To Get Started

Whether you’re an employee, manager, or owner, having more control over your day gives you more time to enjoy life.

Click the Enroll button below, and you'll be taken to my secure checkout page.

All you have to do is enter your regular details and complete your investment today.

You'll be taken to the sign-in page, where you just have to create your log-in, and you'll have instant access.

That's it.

Feeling off balance, distracted, and overwhelmed is a high price to pay daily. We've got the cheat code to give you more control over your day and make work manageable.

Enroll in the Academy today to discover methods for instant productivity and take back control of your life.