365 Gestures

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

I’m an unabashed Disney adult.  One of my favorite aspects of Disney culture are the stories I encounter about Disney staff exceeding expectations and going above and beyond to show special interest to guests (wishing guests happy birthday by name, hunting down hard to find items and shipping them to guests for free, overhearing guest issues and getting creative to help). 

My heart soars whenever I hear a story about special gestures that people gift to others, and that feeling makes me want to perform gestures for others myself.  My goal is to attempt at least one gesture a day, so 365 gestures a year.  Examples could be: writing a love note for your partner, saying yes when your child asks to play, sending an appreciation email to a colleague, letting drivers easily merge in front of you, sending a care package to a college student in your life, leaving an appreciative note for a server as well as a nice tip, chatting with your neighbors or snowblowing their driveway, offering to bring your new mom friend lunch and hold the baby so she can have some time for herself, gifting a compliment to a stranger in public. 

The gesture can be free, expensive, quick, or methodical.  The point is just to spread a little more love in the world.  During this year-end season, are there any gestures you would like to give to those around you?  If you start now and make it a habit every day for the next year, you’ll have 365 gestures under your belt.  What a gift to the world!

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Sincerely Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team 
