A COVID Induced Productivity Gap

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 

Hello Fellow Productivity Seekers! 

As the months go by in this remote working era with schools oscillating between in school and remote learning and no end in sight, the number of distractions and general loss of routine have resulted in an unprecedented decline in getting meaningful things done with efficiency and craftmanship.  If you or your company is not experiencing this decline, then congratulations!  We encourage you to help your industry by sharing your secret. 

Take a look at this outstanding Harvard Business Review Article discussing this increasing productivity gap: 

The Pandemic Is Widening a Corporate Productivity Gap 

For those who wish to equip their company, partners, employees, and/or employers with an instant boost during this time (and it sounds like this will keep going for quite some time), please don't hesitate to click here to reach out to us and learn more about our balance and productivity training. 


Productively Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team  
