Do The Work.  Bring The Warmth.

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 

There's no use in wasting words about how bizarre things are right now.  I heard Ed Mylett recently say that 30% of Americans weren't able to pay their mortgage last month.  All of this, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average continues to hover at an all-time high. What!!??  We print more money out of thin air if it's needed with another round of printing looming.  Blockchain continues to evolve.  Oculus Quest 2 is about to release their next virtual reality free-standing headset (enabling humans to "check out"/escape reality far more effectively than our phones and social media could ever dream of doing)…protests, division, pandemic, etc.  We could go on and on.  I mean, it's interesting. 

Ok, let's pause right here.  I've always been a guy who likes to take life in and decide, "So what's the next best play given these cards?"  Dave Allen in his global productivity blockbuster book and methodology Getting Things Done advises that a very simple but highly effective weapon against this feeling of overwhelm is to simply look at each "thing" on your plate and carefully extract (decide) the very next thing to do on that one subject.  If you haven't done this with your to do list yet, please give it a go.  It is pretty amazing how freeing it is.  It really does crack the ice when you feel all tied in a knot and/or stuck.  Just one next thing. 

So, with that in mind, what do we do with our next calorie and minute as it relates to the way things are in our world?  As Dave Allen might ask you, what is the next thing to do on this one subject?  Well, only you can answer that, but make sure your answer is yours (your highest self).  At our soul source, we all are warmth and love.  Choose your next to do from there rather than from the heat of the last news feed you saw.  If you have a business meeting or sales call coming up at noon, bring warmth to that.  You have a choice in every room you enter.  Right at the doorway before you enter (or before logging into Zoom), look down at your chest/heart and decide; Am I going to be influenced or am I going to influence?  This is a level above the work we have to do in our lives/work.  Do that with sound craftmanship of course!  (We teach how to have the time to do that here at Focus to Evolve - shameless plug alert!)  But before and above all that, have a conversation with your soul as you enter every room and every conversation.  Look down and select your disposition/attitude.  What does this world and these people need from me as things are today?  Can I put my vote into the way things are in this world by bringing warmth to this room and to these other souls that I'm about to interact with?  The answer is yes and the world needs that from you and from me and from each one of us.  Each snowflake makes the blizzard. 


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Productively Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team