Celebrate Your Victories

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

We’re nearing year-end, and it’s a time when I start to look ahead to the next year and what I want the future to look like.  But I also make sure I take some time at year-end to look back and celebrate everything that I accomplished in the past year.   

I like to write out goals for the year.  I look at my goals weekly and plan out next steps as the year goes on.  But in the last couple months of the year, I also think about all of the progress that I’ve made.  I imagine myself a year ago and how proud past Tana would be of present Tana for the steps that I’ve taken.  I look at the goals that I’ve accomplished, and I take some time to feel proud of what I’ve done.  Sometimes there’s a spontaneous happy dance to celebrate particularly big wins in my life.  My brain is consistently looking for ways to make this life better, and that can sometimes make me too focused on the next goal that I want to hit without fully appreciating all that I’ve already done to get to this point.  And it’s important for me to celebrate all of the victories along the way, and year-end is the time when it feels right in my life to do that celebrating. 

So celebrate your victories for the past year.  Think back to yourself this time last year.  What are the things that you wished you could do back then that are actually done now (or at least you’ve made progress)?  If you can’t remember what you’ve done, looking at your past calendar entries, planner to do lists, or pictures may help you jog your memory.  Were there people you reconnected with?  New places you visited?  Relationships you maintained to the best of your ability?  Did you learn anything new?  Start a new hobby?  Read new books?  Start listening to new podcasts?  Move?  Switch jobs?  Start a family?  Get married?  Keep those extra pounds off your body?  Drink less soda?  Whatever you did, celebrate you!  Enjoy the journey.  There will always be ways that we can improve, but that shouldn’t stop us from appreciating all that we have already done. 

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Joyfully Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team  
