Choosing What to Know & Believe

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer

In our working and personal lives, what we allow in as knowledge and beliefs can have unimaginable impact on our output into the world.  Once a belief or knowledge has set in, we are wired to then allow that to run many of our decisions (literally) without much (or any) conscious "pre-frontal cortex" involvement.  You can imagine the ripple effect of allowing a misguided belief to settle into your connectome. 

Here's a fun exercise to do when you are introduced to a new bit of knowledge or opinion: 

Step 1: 

Pause - don't allow the new knowledge or opinion to move; just sit with it for three breaths without any auto responses. 

Step 2: 

Ask if it sounds reasonable. 

Step 3: 

Ask if there is clean/objective evidence for it.   

(On this point,  Byron Katie's work is profound for self-development.)   

Step 4:  

Ask how this new knowledge or opinion feels. 

Now, if you've actually done these four steps, the new incoming knowledge or opinion will have already planted itself naturally where it should be in your consciousness.  You have nothing more to do.  It's been discarded or implanted far more meaningfully than if you would have just let your previous unconscious belief structure do the selecting.  This four step method allows both your conscious and unconscious to vote, and this is both powerful and enabling. 

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Productively Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team