Don't Be Afraid to Go Alone

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

Are there ever times in your life when you really want to do something, but you can’t find anyone to go with you?  Don’t let the lack of a companion stop you from doing what you want!   

I moved to New York City in my early 20’s.  Up until that point, I had never gone to a movie, restaurant, or any event by myself.  But when I first moved to the city, I only had a few friends.  If they were busy, I had to make a choice.  Was I going to sit in my apartment by myself or was I going to experience my new city by myself?  I decided I needed to explore, even if I was doing it alone.   

The first thing I did was go to a movie by myself.  I remember, it was definitely weird to go to that first movie alone.  But once I got over the initial discomfort, I realized it was no big deal.  I started branching out and going to restaurants alone and sporting events, Broadway shows, museums, ballets, concerts, and even traveling on my own.  I also did these kinds of things with friends when they were available, but I didn’t let the lack of a companion stop me from doing everything I wanted.  After a short time, it feels wildly liberating to know you have the ability to go places whenever you feel like it on your own terms with or without others.  The whole world opened up to me after I went to that first movie by myself.  So I encourage you to take the plunge and go alone.  Don’t hold off on living your life any longer.  You are all the company you need. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team