Focus to Evolve Blog Two Year Anniversary

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

Two years ago this week we started posting on the Focus to Evolve blog.  We’ve consistently added to the blog every week for those two years and posted over 110 entries.  I’ve often experienced the phenomenon that I’m struggling with something in my life; and then all of the sudden, I’ll listen to a podcast or read a book or hear a conversation that answers that very question for me.  I hope that this blog is occasionally that beacon of light for someone else.  We are always trying to share ideas that have helped us and hope that someone, somewhere, sometime will be guided to our blog and find an answer to an issue that they’re having in their own life.  Thank you to everyone who reads, comments on, and shares our words.  We appreciate all our supporters.  Cheers to another great year ahead! 


Gratefully Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team