How Hearty Is The Laugh?

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 


When making a decision about who to spend time with and learn from (whether it be a new friendship, a new significant other, a new client, coworker, coach, or mentor), I find that checking in on this one variable helps me to understand a lot about them quickly. 

How hearty is their laugh? 

I find this to be especially important when I'm looking for a new coach or a new mentor in learning a new skill, craft, or trade.  In the end, what I really want help with is fulfillment; the skills are just steps towards that.  Those who have hearty, genuine laughs have found something special.  They choose love over fear in the second by second journey of life, and that's ultimately what I'm seeking.  Yes, the up-front skill that I'm interested in is important, but for them to teach me how to do that with a hint of wisdom/insight into how they utilize the skill to be content and joyful in life…now that's the juice I want! 

Please don't take this as a snap judgement technique.  We all have bad days where hearty laughing is nowhere in sight.  But over a short span of time, you can see who has things to teach you which lead you to a life with more hearty laughs and joy.   

It should be noted that a hearty laugh doesn't need to be loud.  It can be quite soft actually but deeply genuine. 

Finding and maintaining the feeling of balance is one of the skills that we love to teach to help enable joy in your work and life (although it's all just life really). 

If you or your team would like to sign up for our 2 hour Balance and Productivity training to instantly double your meaningful output and find the feeling of lasting flow and optimized work life balance, please click here and say hello!    


Productively Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team