Keep a Brag List

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer


We’re inching toward year-end review time in our professional spheres.  Do you ever have a hard time recalling the important projects you accomplished throughout the year?  If so, then start a brag list. 

A brag list can be an actual list in a Word or notes document.  Or it can be an e-file folder or an Outlook file folder.  The form of the brag list doesn’t matter as long as you’re keeping all of your data in a place that you know how to find.  And if you have issues with calling it a brag list because you’ve been socialized not to brag, call it whatever you want.  Pile O’ Praise maybe?  Let your creativity run wild. 

Any time a client or a colleague sends an email or other communication talking about what a good job you did for them, put that email on your brag list.  If you solve a problem no one else knows how to solve or no one else has ever attempted to solve, put that on your brag list.  If a project takes you longer than a couple of hours to complete, put it on your brag list.  If you’re particularly proud of the work you did on a project, put it on your brag list.   

Then, when you’re sitting down to complete your year-end review or if you’re making a case for a raise or a promotion, you can go to your brag list to remember all of the work you did throughout the year and all of the great feedback you’ve gotten.  Also, on days when you feel like your work doesn’t matter, stepping into your brag list can help to remind you that your work makes the lives of others easier and is worthwhile. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team