My Hope For You Today

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

I’ve been given a gift of knowing how to flow through my day  

My body feels those painful edges and works to smooth them away  

It’s no longer ok for me to hide under a rock, so if I may,  

Sharing my gift is my hope for you today  


If you feel like it can’t all be done  

If you feel like you’re drowning in life  

If you want to be a better employee, parent, husband, or wife  

If you know there has got to be a better way  

Really hearing my words is my hope for you today  


These words aren’t designed to part you from more blood, sweat, and tears  

Let’s get you through the material world so the immaterial clears  

We focus to create a void where your genius and desire can bloom  

To live life by design and not default before our time in the tomb  


That, fellow traveler, is my hope for you today  

That is my hope for you today  


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Productively Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team