Not Being Now

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 


In one of my binge sessions with Dr. Joe Dispenza, he said that we humans are really good at spending "now" picking "yesterday" up and plopping it down onto "tomorrow." 

I pushed pause and went for a long walk to let that sink in.  It's so true.  At work, I'm running the loop of things that bothered me about the proverbial yesterday way more than I care to admit.  And this very act is wasting my minutes of "now" where things actually can get done and therefore '"tomorrow" is a result of this lingering on yesterday… thus the all-important "now" is nearly entirely missed! 

I'm reminded of the tale of two monks.  They were walking down a path and came upon a woman who needed to cross the path.  But the path was muddy, so one monk kindly picked her up and placed her on the other side of the mud so as not to dirty her dress.  Due to the code of the monks to not interface with females, the other monk was very upset.  They continued to walk in silence until finally 3 miles down the path the angry monk said, "I can't believe you broke code and carried that woman!"  The other monk responded, "I set the woman down miles ago.  Why are you still carrying her?" 

How many things do you have on loop in your mind that are taking away from your ability to be deliberate, joyful, authentic, and productive in this moment?  It's a very challenging question to ask and an even harder one to answer honestly with yourself.  But this is one of the keys to being highly effective in getting things done.  Clear the clutter.  Joe Dispenza says more than 90% of our thoughts are the same thoughts we had yesterday.  Wow!  Just imagine how much bandwidth you'd have without all that repeating narrative and loops in mind. 

Something fun to consider if nothing else. 


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Mindfully Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team