Permission to Only Accept a Hell Yes - Granted

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

We human beings have a really hard time saying no to anything.  We fear missing out on opportunities and hurting people’s feelings.  But inevitably, we end up saying yes to so many things that we become overburdened and burned out.  But saying yes to everything is not the only way we can proceed.

Greg McKeown asserts, “Essentialists say yes to only the top 10 percent of opportunities.  Learn the power of extreme criteria.”  In other words, if it’s not a hell yes, then it’s a hell no.  How different would our lives be if we only accepted the hell yes’s – in our relationships, in our purchases, in our responsibilities, in our thoughts, in every area?  I’m sure there are situations where compromise with others will be necessary or a decision is insignificant so satisficing may be sufficient – there’s an exception to every rule after all.  But if I’m ever having a hard time making a decision, asking myself if the answer is a hell yes can be very clarifying.  And if I have to ask at all, it’s almost always a hell no. 

If you or your team would like to sign up for our 2 hour Balance and Productivity training to instantly double your meaningful output and find the feeling of lasting flow and optimized work life balance, please click here and say hello!   


Sincerely Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team