Permission to Protect Your Peak Hours - Granted

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

Most of us have a few hours a day when we are at our peak energy.  I’m a person who is most on my game in the morning between about 6-10am.  Some people come alive in the afternoon.  Others thrive at night.  If you don’t know when your peak hours are, I suggest tracking yourself for a week.  Take time each day to notice when you do your best (and worst) work and when work feels the easiest to you.  There’s probably 2-4 hours when you consistently do your best work.  Once you know when those hours are, protect them!

In Laura Mae Martin’s book Uptime, she tells the story of an advertising executive on the west coast.  His energy peak was highest in the morning, but that was the time when he had meetings with east coast employees because of the time difference.  In order to more thoughtfully use his peak hours, he moved those meetings to just three mornings a week to protect the other two mornings for his important strategic work. 

If you feel, like that advertising executive did, that you are squandering your best hours on the wrong work, make an effort in the weeks ahead to block those peak hours on your calendar for the work that would be most impactful and schedule everything else around those peaks.  Knowing and protecting your most productive and high energy times is a powerful way to get more of your important work done.

If you or your team would like to sign up for our 2 hour Balance and Productivity training to instantly double your meaningful output and find the feeling of lasting flow and optimized work life balance, please click here and say hello!   


Sincerely Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team