Permission to Thrive

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 


Most who read this blog are into some version of self-help and hacking.  Some advice is science based.  Some is "just a hunch."  Some touches on the spiritual realm.  The options and modalities are endless.  All advice is founded in growth mindset and, in my opinion, should be encouraged, but each individual should be left to their own style and interests of growth. 

The growth modalities I'm most interested in are the ones that preach to just get to your "better."  There is no end to growth.  As far as we know the universe is darn near infinite (or fully infinite).  The interconnected complexities of our known world are completely not comprehendible.  For me, my drive is not about being the best or better than others (team members, family members, or competitors).  For me, my growth is a deep inner journey that literally doesn't have an end.  Its entire goal for me is to just inch to "better" every minute, to defeat my limited (and limiting) narrative.  In other words, to address my childhood deep limbic programs that have made "me."  If you're interested in this subject and de-commissioning those childhood narratives to upgrade them to a more deliberately chosen set of stories and beliefs, I cannot encourage you enough to check out Erick Godsay's podcast called The Myths That Make Us.  Erick digs deep into our programs and narratives that have been haphazardly programmed in us by the randomness of our childhood interpretations and guides guests back to the knowing that we are now able (as full thinking adults) to reinterpret ourselves and the meaning of all the things and events that happen to us by the minute.  To say it's powerful stuff is the understatement of the year. 

With this in mind, I'd like to suggest that you try a mantra where the adult you gives yourself permission to thrive.  The action here is to ask Siri to remind you every day at noon that you have permission to thrive.  The phone will not fail you.  You'd be surprised what giving yourself written permission with a reminder every day to thrive can do for your life.  Eventually you start having those tougher conversations.  You start protecting your boundaries that you know you've been ignoring.  You go ahead and start that side hustle.  God's abundance (whatever your definition of God may or may not be) is not something to find, it's something to simply realize and be in.  But, you have to give yourself (childhood narratives/beliefs) the pink slip… one step at a time.  First step, try the phone reminder thing and tune into Erick's podcast.  Use other words as the reminder if you need it, but try this little hack for growth for one week.  See if it inches you forward to your own definition of thriving. 


Here at Focus to Evolve, we teach architectural calendaring to bring in your "Thrive."  If you or your team would like to sign up for our 2 hour Balance and Productivity training to instantly double your meaningful output and find the feeling of lasting flow and optimized work life balance, please click here and say hello!    


Productively Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team