Social Media Life Raft

By Tanya Henkel, Director of Lifestyle Engineering 


Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your phone?  Do you lose time without realizing what happened?  I’ve certainly fallen victim to this more than I care to admit in my life.  Thankfully, I found this solution that has given me back hours of my day, and it’s very simple!   

I use the “downtime” feature for my kids to limit their time on electronic devises, but I never considered it for myself.  For them, I simply set times of the day where the devise is on and then shuts off.  Turns out that you can also set specific app limits.  I have now set up a 1 hour per day limit for Facebook and Instagram combined so that I don’t mindlessly scroll.   

I get a nifty 5 minute warning and then the apps turn off.  I have the option to continue browsing, but I choose not to use it.  It’s a perfect pattern/habit interrupt mechanism which is all most people need to make healthier more conscious choices vs running on autopilot.  This process allows me to be much more intentional with my time, while allowing myself the indulgence of browsing social media.  Now I can mindfully choose how to spend the rest of the minutes in my day. 

Here is how to set it up on an Apple device: 

Go to Settings 

Go to Screen Time 

Go to App Limits and turn it on 

Go to Add Limit to select your desired apps and times 

We hope you enjoy this insight.  If this resonated with you and you'd like to learn far more about gaining time back while multiplying your meaningful output, please don't hesitate to click here and say hello!    


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