Step Into the Void

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer   

What if I quit my job, and I can’t get another one?  

What if this is all I can do, staying in the shadows not reaching for the sun?  

What if I’m not meant for more; it’s just a job, not a path?  

I can live on this amount, I’m comfortable with this math.  


What about all of those vacation days that I’ve accrued?  

Sure this job isn’t my passion, but isn’t that a normal human mood?  

People who shoot for the stars, don’t they have it rough?  

Shouldn’t I just settle?  

Isn’t this enough?    


“Step into the void,” the gentle voice urged from behind my fears  

Have I ever not provided for you?  

Do you ever regret your tears?  

Standing still within the lies just won’t get you here  

A waterfall waits on the other side, lay down the glass my dear  


What if I can’t support my family?  

What if no one wants to hear what I have to say?  

I don’t know how to do this and that  

No one before has shown me the way  


My passion is here and my intentions are pure, but what if it doesn’t work out?  

The fact that nothing is set in stone, shouldn’t that fill me with doubt?  

People who have a 9 to 5, a regular paycheck provides all their stuff  

Shouldn’t I go back to “the man”?  

What if I’m not enough?  


“Step into the void,” the gentle voice urged from behind my fears  

Have I ever not provided for you?  

Do you ever regret your tears?  

Standing still within the lies just won’t get you here  

A waterfall waits on the other side, lay down the glass my dear  



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Productively Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team