The Flow Fixer

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 


When I find myself in a rut, I have a few go-to mechanisms, ranging from breathwork to cold exposure (cold shower, laying in snow, or cold plunge pools) to meditation.  Sometimes these actions work quite well and have lasting "staying power."  You might ask, "What does it mean that these actions sometimes 'work?'"  Well, it means that my perspective is adjusted/recalibrated.  I become less cerebral.  I give my comically large ego a nap to allow me to see reality for a bit rather than my problems.  It means I realize that flow is not for me to control necessarily.  I can create a mental, physiological, and physical environment that enables flow to happen more readily in my life, but it's not for me to turn that faucet up or down...that's the job of someone/something a bit bigger than li'l ol' me. 

Today, I share one of my favorite little recalibrations: 

Deep slow breath in (all the way in) while picturing yourself breaking away from "you." 

Hold breath for five seconds while focusing on two things that you absolutely love and appreciate. 

Release the breath slowly while envisioning yourself literally and fully surrendering and melting into a relaxing shloshy puddle of liquid that gets absorbed into the earth below you. 

Visit this 9 gigapixel photo, zoom all the way in and out (upper left corner '+' button) on the picture using the little plus and  minus buttons in the upper left corner of the photo and realize that our sun is just one of those tiny little specks of light within this tiny little sliver of a photo.  And this speck of dust that we call earth, which we somehow magically live on, is unimaginably small.  And we people are smaller yet and our knowledge is miniscule.  Relax into that truth in your liquid state and feel peace that you're on this cosmic ride.  And no matter how big our egos are; we're not driving. 

Try to enjoy this exercise for a few minutes every once in a while.  These few moments may help you climb out of any rut you feel stuck in. 


If you or your team would like to sign up for our 2 hour Balance and Productivity training to instantly double your meaningful output and find the feeling of lasting flow and optimized work life balance, please click here and say hello!    


Productively Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team