True Security

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer

This note is to anyone out there building something new, creative, or daring.  Where the dark nights of the soul visit almost weekly (or even nightly). I'd like to suggest a mantra that has worked wonders in my life during the tough days: 

"I still have the ability to think and do." 

"I still have the ability to think and do." 

"I still have the ability to think and do." 

If this statement is true, it allows you (psychologically) to continue even when the money is gone, when the air has been socked out of your gut, when the big presentation wasn't well received, and it was your "last idea."  This mantra works because it's actually true!  The fact that it's true gives you that footing to still drive forward when the headwind is strong and resources are low.  


Ask yourself throughout today or whenever the cold rainy days have you down, "Do I still have the ability to think and do?"  And quietly allow yourself to hear the true answer:  "Yes, I do." 

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Productively Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team