Undo and Repeat Keyboard Strokes

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

Do you ever make typing mistakes when you’re working on your computer and wish you had a time machine that could undo what you just did?  For example, you just mistakenly deleted a huge chunk of text or you somehow messed up the formatting of a document by accidentally pressing who knows what combination of buttons.  There’s a keyboard stroke that can help you travel back in time to make it as if you never made the mistake: the Undo function.

Undo action – CTRL + Z

Redo an undone action – CTRL + Y

In the examples above, if I mistakenly just deleted a bunch of text that I actually need, simply hitting CTRL and Z together will bring it back.  If I pressed some unknown pattern of keys that caused the formatting in my document to mess up completely, simply selecting CTRL and Z will restore the formatting to what it was before the mistake.  I frequently use the Undo function to help erase my data entry mistakes, and I hope it helps you out of a pinch in the future as well.

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Sincerely Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team 
