Be Here Now

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

I don’t know about your mind, but my brain is often fixated on the past (I wish I would have started this project sooner, why did I eat that, I can’t believe I said that) or the future (what are all the things I need to accomplish this week, that upcoming presentation isn’t ready, will it always be like this).  Very rarely does my mind live in the now if left unchecked.  As I got older, I started hearing the teachers of the world encouraging people to live in the moment, presence is the best present, and be here now.  The more I heard this, the more I noticed that a lot of the day, I feel like I am just a jumble of thoughts swirling around about a foot above my head.  I’d drive to work and have no memory of how I got there.  I would eat a meal and not really take notice of how it tasted.  I was just a little robot going through the motions, lost in the swirling thoughts of my mind.   

But if I stopped and told my brain to be here now, I went from those swirling thoughts above my head and dropped back down into my body.  In those present moments, I notice that my eyes, ears, all my senses work.  I see my environment, and I interact with it.  If I’m with someone else, I’m REALLY with them, listening intently to all they’re saying.  If I’m eating, I actually notice flavor and enjoy my food.  And in the now, the issues that my mind likes to worry about don’t exist.  In the now, I very rarely have true problems.  And if I do, I’m in the exact place and time to be able to take action and remedy the situation.  The more times a day I can remind myself to be here now, the more content and grateful I feel, as spiritual teachers have been telling us in every spiritual tradition from the dawn of teaching. 

“Be here now” are three little words that have had a very big impact on my life.  They calm the storm of my thoughts and bring me back to myself, where I can truly be present and authentically experience my life.  May these simple words also help you when you’re stuck in the storm of your thoughts. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team