Give Love

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

I, like most people I suspect, get angry/annoyed/bothered/frustrated with other people from time to time.  Sometimes there is little I can do to stop myself from feeling that initial trigger of negative reaction.  However, in the space of time between the trigger and my response, two words often help me take back control of my brain in order to show up in the way that I prefer to show up.  Those two words are, “Give love.”   

In my experience, reflecting a negative emotion with the same negative emotion is a circle.  It’s a cycle that doesn’t end.  If someone comes at me with anger, and I give them anger back, they’re just going to stay angry, and so will I.  It’s a wheel that neither one of us can exit.  However, if someone comes at me with anger and I can give them sincere love back, the situation can be diffused and the cycle broken.   

It’s not always easy to pull myself back to love when I’m feeling triggered by anger, and I don’t always succeed.  But I am surprised by how often it does work.  By simply repeating in my head, “Give love, give love, give love,” when I’m heated, I can often return to rational thought where I can assess more clearly what the person I’m dealing with actually wants or needs and respond in the most calm and loving way that I can.   

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Lovingly Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team