Being The Real You

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 


Say "no" more. 

What an easy thing to say.  But what a difficult thing to do in our minute by minute experience of a day.  One of the meta-skills we at Focus to Evolve cover and instigate is the craft of saying a mature "no" when it's needed.  We don't need to get into the details of how to do this, but more into the why of tuning into this skill. 

When building the courage to say no, it's not about denying people's requests.  It's actually more about becoming aware of the things that you are doing that never went in front of the judge (you).  It's incredible the number of things that we do on a daily basis that would be a clear "no" if we were to pick the hundreds of actions up one by one every day and take two minutes to ask with high awareness, "Is this action serving my purpose or mission?"  We'd all gain about a full day per week back if we'd just do this one exercise.  

That's all great, but why does that matter?  It matters because you need your minutes and calories to live your purpose.  The psychological impact of living at random based on what floats your way compared to deliberately selecting what you do plays a major role in your contentment and joy in life. 

Dr. Seuss used to advise his readers to always say and do what you feel at your center because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.  May we all keep these profoundly wise words in our hearts as we continue our craft of saying no to more so that we have the space to say yes to our real purpose, joy, and dreams. 


If you're interested in mastering the craft of saying no and many more related skills of self-actualization, please click here and say hello!    


Intentionally Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team