Posts tagged No
Deep Dive Series: The Power of No According to Ed Mylett

In Ed Mylett’s February 13th podcast, he talked about twenty simple daily habits that changed his life.  Number 14 on his list was “say no more.”  Ed is a self-proclaimed people-pleaser, and he has a hard time saying no.  But he states he became a much happier man when he learned how to give a polite, kind, firm no.

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Why is saying no so hard? Try this.

Here at Focus to Evolve, we consider the act of saying no as one of the four primary meta-skills that are required for that doubling-of-meaningful-output-in-the-same-number-of-hours-worked benefit. We call it a meta-skill, because there is no area of your life that won't improve (dramatically) when you begin to get good at saying no to the things that simply should not be on your plate.

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