Consider a Reading Project for 2023

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

Do you have books that you consistently want to read but they’re so long that you get overwhelmed and never start?  For example, I like to read major texts of world religions, but some of them are so thick that I just keep procrastinating on them.  A habit that I picked up somewhat recently is taking those long books and making them a yearly reading project. 

Here’s how the reading project works.  Obtain the book you want to read and see how many pages are in the book.  Divide the number of pages by 365.  That’s the number of pages you want to read each day in order to get through the book by year end.  I know in my case, breaking down those long books into very small daily chunks was the secret door my brain needed to actually undertake those challenging volumes.  Full disclosure, I tend to read more pages each day than I set out to, and I end up tackling a few very long books each year.  So whether it’s the Quran, the Bible, the works of Shakespeare, the Lord of the Rings books, or whatever challenging tomes are on your bookshelves, consider reading the book in small amounts every day.  Taking tiny steps is often the way to make impossible tasks turn into complete tasks. 

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