Consider Weekly Notes for Your Significant Other

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

Twelve years ago, I met the person who is now my husband.  At that time, I was living in Brooklyn, NY, and he was in Ohio.  Since we were long distance, I wanted to give him something to look forward to each week, so I started mailing him a weekly card.  I moved to Ohio six months after we met, but I continued giving him his weekly cards.  Twleve years later, it’s still something that I do weekly, and I’m so glad I’ve kept up with this habit. 

My cards are a weekly, positive interaction with my spouse that reminds him that I still see him and appreciate him.  Sometimes I thank him for specific things he did for me or our family in the week before.  Sometimes I talk about how much fun I had when we did some joint activity the week before.  Sometimes I talk about happenings in my life that he might not know about.  At times what I write is quite lengthy.  Other times, what I write fits on one side of a Valentine.  In fact, I tend to go to Hallmark or grocery/drug stores after Valentines and buy a couple boxes of Valentines when they’re on sale and use those for the majority of the year.  What I write on isn’t expensive, and what I write isn’t always long, but my notes are always a time for a brief check in on my relationship and making sure I’m explicitly expressing gratitude to my person.  If you’re feeling a little disconnected from your significant other, consider giving them a weekly note.  In 5-10 minutes a week, you could establish a loving touch point with them that can reconnect you in powerful ways. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team