Deep Dive Series: The Power of No
By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer
As a profession, I teach systems of time management. I’ve trained thousands of people at this point, and one of the most consistent friction points in my training sessions occurs when the concept of saying no comes up. So many of us have been trained to be nearly allergic to even the consideration of saying no to any request that comes our way from anyone. But the word NO is the gatekeeper to all other systems of time management. It’s the first defense. It’s the filter that decides if anything even gets a chance at our time. So many of us forget that as adults, we each get 24 hours a day, and we get to decide what we do with those hours. There are no longer parents or other guardians that we need to mind, we are in charge now. And for each of those 24 hours, a yes to one request is a no to another. So the ability to really believe in the power of no and harnessing that power to craft the life that we want is one of the most essential abilities that we can develop.
In the coming weeks, I’m going to deep dive into the power of no: different ways to say it tactfully, tips and tricks from experts, and resources. As the first line of defense in our lives, it is an essential skill that each of us should have in our tool belts. So buckle up, and let’s get started.
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Sincerely Yours,
Focus to Evolve Team