Deep Dive Series: The Power of No According to A Life Coach Extraordinaire

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

A friend of mine, Amelia Noël, is an amazing life coach and podcaster.  On her February 21st podcast episode, she talked about how to effectively manage your time at work.  She tells her clients and listeners; you need two things in order to be more effective with your time at work – be clear on your immediate goals and say no more. 

Amelia doesn’t say you need a better calendar application or more caffeine.  She doesn’t explain the latest advancements in AI.  You don’t need to buy anything in order to be more effective with your professional time.  But you do need to figure out your highest priority and protect that priority through the power of no.  Amelia is a master certified coach, Ivy-league MBA, and former Wall Street investment banker and Fortune 500 consultant, and she tends to coach people who have similar backgrounds.  The financial industry is the epitome of hustle culture.  And even there, the power of no is being evangelized.  No is a tool for everyone.

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Sincerely Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team