Don't Work More Hours, Work Better Hours

We at Focus to Evolve have the world’s most immediately-impactful personal productivity training.  Do you feel like you are not usually "out in front of" your incoming projects, emails, and general workload (email especially)? You are certainly not alone.  

If you (or your company) use Microsoft Outlook, then you have all the tools you need.  Let us show you how to use that tool in a way to finally pull you toward your intentions (accomplished tasks, projects, and commitments) versus away from them.  Our minimum target for anyone who books this 2 hour training is to literally double meaningful output in the same number of hours spent in order to create more time for work/life balance.   

For a bit more context, please check out this 4-minute informer video.  If you’re interested in this life-altering “cheat code” or would like more information, email or visit our website at   

Productively Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team