Hard Cut & Act Now

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer

I just finished Jim Kwik's great new book Limitless. If you haven't read it yet, and you are interested in knowing more about your brain, how it works, and how to better utilize it, please do pick up your copy today. Afterall, having a "how to" manual to the most advanced piece of technology in the known universe (the human brain) is probably a good idea.  It really is an amazing book; I wanted to highlight every line while reading it. 

One line in the book which made me take pause was, "Glut for more and more information makes it difficult to act."  This idea and its cousins have been coined many ways, ranging from "analysis paralysis" to FOMO (fear of missing out).  But regardless of what words you use, it should be known that this force of wanting to stay in the safe zone of thinking and always needing to find more information "before we start" is strong and can be highly disruptive to building anything meaningful through action (which is where all the magic is activated in our lives). 


Ironically, I suggest that maybe you don't read that book I just suggested.  Maybe you stop reading this blog, that next Tweet, the next amazing Tom Bilyeu interview, etc.  Hard cut it all off (I'm picturing some scene out of the Matrix now).  Be in your white space with no inputs and just crudely select an action and begin the movement of your body in that action.  Ahhhhh, progress.  Feel it.  Carve forward in the real world rather than incessant thinking and planning and reconfiguring in the mind (which can be a real torture chamber).  There are at least some who know exactly what I'm talking about.  And for those few, this may be one of the most refreshing reads of the month.  In the words of my mentor and a giant of a man in every way, Tony Robins, "TAKE MASSIVE ACTION NOW."  It's a simple request, but it breaks all the cobwebs and shakes all the rust off quickly.  You'll find your path from action, not from thinking.  Create your next task and do it. 

If you or your team would like to sign up for our 2 hour Outlook Productivity training to instantly double your meaningful output and find the feeling of lasting flow and optimized work life balance, please click here and say hello!   

Productively Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team 
