Edit Email Subject Lines in Outlook

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

Did you know that you can edit the subject line of a received email?  In the downloaded version of Microsoft Outlook, if you double click on a received email to open it, you can start typing text in the subject area.  If you hit the X to close that email, a pop up alert will tell you that the properties of the message have been changed and ask if you want to save the changes to the message.  If you hit enter to choose Yes, then the subject line of that email will reflect the changes you made. 

Why is this helpful?  I use this function semi-regularly.  If I receive an emailed coupon that I’m likely to use, I’ll often change the subject line of the email to include the expiration date of the coupon so I don’t forget to use it.  If someone sends an email without a subject line, I’ll sometimes add one so that it’s more easily searchable in the future.  In a past job, I had a joint inbox shared with other support staff members.  Everything that came into that inbox was assigned by adding the initials of the responsible/assigned employee to the beginning of the subject line and the client’s last name was entered at the end of the subject line for easier searching capabilities.  I’ve definitely benefitted for years knowing about this functionality, and I hope it will help you as well. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team  
