Posts tagged Microsoft Outlook
Creating New Outlook File Folders Using Keyboard Strokes

Last week’s blog entry talked about using the keyboard keys CTRL + SHIFT + V to move emails from your inbox to one of your Outlook file folders.  But what if you need to create a new file folder for the email you want to move?  You can do that without touching your mouse as well. 

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How to Change Email from Plain Text to HTML in Outlook

On occasion I receive a Plain Text email. A Plain Text email is an email that contains no formatting. It’s text only with no fancy fonts, pictures, colors, etc. When you reply to a Plain Text email, your reply will also be in Plain Text. So if you add your signature line and you have fonts or pictures in your signature line, all of that formatting won’t show up. But you can kick your reply email back into HTML (with formatting) in just a few clicks.

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How to Create a Rule to Move Unwanted Email to Deleted Items in Outlook

At times there are emails I receive that I can’t unsubscribe to but I don’t want/need to review them. If you receive emails that you can’t stop but don’t want to see, a solution would be to create a rule in Outlook to move those emails to your Deleted Items automatically.

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How to Create Your Own Contact Groups in Outlook

When working at a medium to large firm, it’s not uncommon for the company to have preset email contact groups. There may be a contact group for all employees of the firm, for all employees in each regional office, for all managers, for specific teams, etc. You can also create your own personalized email contact groups in Outlook.

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How to Increase the Number of Calendars in Vertical View in Outlook

In a previous job, there were often times when I needed to coordinate a date that would work for 10 or more people. I had viewing access to see each of their calendars just by clicking a button in Outlook. If you’ve worked with many calendars like this, you know that once you click around 4 or 5 different calendars, Outlook switches from a vertical layout of the calendar (where time is listed at the left-hand side of the calendar screen) to a schedule view (where time is listed at the top of the screen).

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Recover Deleted Items in Outlook

Last week, my blog post was about using the SHIFT + DELETE keys to permanently delete items in your Microsoft Outlook Inbox. If you start getting really good at this, your fingers will sometimes move faster than your conscious thought. So fast that you might accidentally permanently delete an email that you didn’t want to actually delete. Don’t worry, the email can be recovered.

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