Focus to Evolve Blog Third Anniversary

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

Three years ago this week we started posting on the Focus to Evolve blog.  We’ve consistently added to the blog every week for those three years and posted over 160 entries.  This blog continues to be a labor of love and a fun creative outlet.  I have no idea who or how many people read these entries.  There are definitely times when I wonder if I’m writing into a void.  But even if no one reads my words, I enjoy writing every entry.  And I like to think that sometime, somewhere, someone will have a burning question that this blog answers for them.  I’m going to use this blog entry as a prompt to reach out to the content creators that I like the most (podcasters, writers, bloggers, etc), and thank them for their efforts.  Maybe that’s something you could do in your life as well.  And we want to send a huge thank you to everyone who reads, comments on, and shares our words.  We appreciate all our supporters.  May we continue to support each other through another great year ahead!


Gratefully Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team