Guerilla Kindness

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

I just love the holiday season.  It’s a time when people’s hearts seem to be more open than the rest of the year.  And it’s the perfect time of year when I like to practice some random acts of kindness.   

My guerilla kindness doesn’t have to cost much or anything at all.  And the acts don’t have to take a lot of time.  Maybe it’s simply resolving to be patient whenever I drive my car and always helping my fellow drivers merge into traffic.  Or making sure I sincerely smile at and greet my neighbors when I’m on my walks.  Or tipping at restaurants even when I’m ordering takeout.  It’s resolving to never lose my patience with people in the service industry and always treating them with gratitude and respect no matter what.  It’s texting people randomly to let them know I’m thinking of them.  It’s noticing people around me and verbally telling them that their smiles are beautiful or they’re doing a great job.  It’s lending a helping hand if someone has a big job to do and I could be of service.  It’s lending a listening ear if someone is going through a tough time.  It’s apologizing for past wrongs.  Sometimes it’s a hug.   

Literally every person I encounter in my home or outside of it is a potential opportunity to bring more love into the world.  Can you imagine what the world would look like if everyone committed to just one random act of kindness a week?  That’s the world I want to live in, so that’s the way I want to live.  If you want to commit your own acts of guerilla kindness, feel free to act now and act as often as you can.  I’ve never regretted a single time I’ve sincerely reached out to someone else with love in my heart.  May your experiences bring you much joy as well. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team