Slow Is Calm; Calm Is Fast

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 

One of the primary reasons we enjoy showing students the path to calm, deliberate, and authentic ways of organization and handling daily workflow is because of the "stillness" that can be found. 

When the first world worker hears the word stillness, images of a Tibetan monk quietly meditating for 72 straight hours without interruption might come up.  But that's not the stillness we're preaching here.  Those monks are serving a very important role in the collective consciousness realm, but we have families, demanding bosses and customers and jobs and soccer practice for the kids, and many other work/life variables that make this idea of stillness a categorical non option. 

The stillness we refer to is the kind where the mind and body feel single point attention on one thing at a time.  US Navy SEAL commander, Mark McGinnis, taught me that in their operations (which required massive action with intensely large consequences tied to results) their motto was "slow is calm; calm is fast."  In that little story lies the essence of what we teach here at Focus to Evolve.   

If you've noticed throughout your typical day that you are working in a frantic mode to keep up with all the emails and requests, and you don't enjoy that feeling, we'd like to show you via a 2-hour training the path to a far calmer yet faster and more effective path to handle the load. 


To learn more, please click here and say hello!    


Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team