Helpful Website/App: Goodreads

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

I love to read and listen to audiobooks.  We have a library of books at our house.  We use Audible to buy new audiobooks.  I visit my local library regularly to check out books there or use the Libby app to check out audio or e-books.  I’m pretty much always digesting a good book, and I read quite a few every year. 

At some point in my reading journey, I noticed I would be at the library, and I would have a hard time remembering if I had already checked out some of the books I was interested in.  Goodreads stopped that problem for me. 

Goodreads is a website or app that tracks the books you read.  You can search Goodreads for any book by title, author, or ISBN.  I haven’t found a book yet that isn’t in their database.  You can tag the book as Read, Currently Reading, or Want to Read.  You can also rate the books from 1-5 stars, write reviews, and see other people’s reviews.  I personally just rate the books when I’m finished reading.  Then if I’m at the library and can’t remember if I already picked up a book, I can just grab my phone, hop on the Goodreads app, and see if the book is already rated in the books that I’ve read.   

And if, like me, you try to read a certain number of books every year, it’s very easy to sort your books by the Date updated (or when you added them to your read list) and count how many you’ve taken in for the year.  Goodreads is free to use, and I highly recommend. 

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