How to Increase the Number of Calendars in Vertical View in Outlook

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

In a previous job, there were often times when I needed to coordinate a date that would work for 10 or more people.  I had viewing access to see each of their calendars just by clicking a button in Outlook.  If you’ve worked with many calendars like this, you know that once you click around 4 or 5 different calendars, Outlook switches from a vertical layout of the calendar (where time is listed at the left-hand side of the calendar screen) to a schedule view (where time is listed at the top of the screen).   

It always annoyed me when Outlook made this switch away from the view that I was used to.  But then I learned you can increase the number of calendars you can view in vertical view!  And here’s how you do it. 

Go to File in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. 

Next click on Options. 

Click on Calendar. 

Find the “Display options” heading. 

Make sure the box is checked next to “Automatically switch from vertical layout to schedule view when the number of displayed calendars is greater than or equal to:” 

Increase the number in the box to the right of the “Automatically switch from vertical layout to schedule view…” option to the number you prefer. 

Click OK at the bottom of the pop-up box. 

You should now be able to view many more calendars in the view you’re accustomed to. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

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