I Can Do One Thing at a Time

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

Have you ever been overwhelmed with the amount of work on your plate?  At a past job, I was hired to support 3 people.  That number grew to 5 people.  And then it grew again to 10 people.  When the number increased to 10, there were times pretty much every day when I would receive so many requests in a short period of time that my brain would start to freak out.  I would feel my heart racing and thoughts telling me the workload was impossible would weigh me down.  In short, I would start to panic.   

Thankfully, after a few seconds of panic, my rational brain would come back online and whisper a consoling thought.  That thought was, “I can do one thing at a time.”  I would then briefly have visions of other times when I felt overwhelmed and remembered that those times always passed eventually.  So with my prefrontal cortex back in charge, I would look at all the requests on my plate and work on the one that was the highest priority.  “I can do one thing at a time.”  Once that was finished, I would move on to the next highest priority.  “I can do one thing at a time.”  And then the next highest priority, and so on.  That one sentence…”I can do one thing at a time”…reminded me that if 6 new tasks just came in, I didn’t have to do all 6 of them right away.  I could only really do one of them.  Since one is more manageable than 6, I was always able to calm down pretty quickly and not waste time and energy worrying about the work.  I would instead give that time and energy to the actual work.  And you know what?  By doing one thing at a time, everything was always completed.   

If you’re ever similarly panicked, remind yourself that you can do one thing at a time.  My hope is that by consciously bringing that rational thought to your mind that you will also experience the calming effect that it always produces in me. 

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Calmly Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team  
