Posts in Mind Trick
Worrying Is Like...

In last week’s blog post, I shared a sentence that helps to calm me when I feel overwhelmed when working.  There are actually a few sentences that help to recenter me when things feel chaotic, and I’d like to share those comforting sentences in the weeks ahead.  This week’s helpful sentence is, “Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.” 

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I Can Do One Thing at a Time

Have you ever been overwhelmed with the amount of work on your plate?  At a past job, I was hired to support 3 people.  That number grew to 5 people.  And then it grew again to 10 people.  When the number increased to 10, there were times pretty much every day when I would receive so many requests in a short period of time that my brain would start to freak out.  Thankfully, after a few seconds of panic, my rational brain would come back online and whisper a consoling thought. 

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Mind Trick: Task Completion Visualization

In my last blog post, I talked about a mind trick that I perform when my energy is waning but I still have items left on my to do list for the day. The trick is to move the task on my list to tomorrow, and then I get a jolt of energy thinking of doing it today, which is now ahead of schedule. This isn’t the only mind trick that I use to manipulate my energy however. If that maneuver doesn’t work, my next step will usually be to visualize myself completing the task.

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Mind Trick: Put Off Until Tomorrow to Get It Done Today

Have you ever had one more thing on your to do list for the day but you didn’t feel like you had the energy to complete it? Sometimes when I feel like I don’t have the energy, I really don’t have the energy and my body or mind just needs a break. Usually when I really need a break, my mind doesn’t even allow me to think about the task that was left undone. My brain just peacefully lets go of it until the next day so I can rest today. But if I don’t think I have the energy, but my mind keeps ruminating on the task, then I’ll try a little mind trick.

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