Resolutions and Goal Setting

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

Year-end is a time when people look toward to the future and start making resolutions or goals for the following year.  We’ve all heard it said that most people who make resolutions don’t actually keep the resolutions.  Gyms everywhere tend to be full in January and back to normal capacity in February.  So where’s the disconnect?  Why do we make resolutions and fail to follow through on them?  Many people are able to make a decision about what they want to do or change in their lives.  But then they skip the next part of the process.  They need a plan of execution.   

Brooke Castillo is one of my favorite mentors.  In her podcast The Life Coach School, she has an episode called The Power of Planning in which she breaks down the steps required for a plan of execution.   

First, you need to think about one thing you want in your life.   
Then, you need to believe you can achieve that goal.   
Next, write down your outcome or goal.   
After that, break down that outcome into manageable chunks.   
Write down all the obstacles you anticipate for why you won’t be able to reach that outcome.   
Turn all those obstacles into to do items.   
Put those to do items in order of execution.   
Put the to do items in your calendar.   
Then you do them when your calendar tells you to.   
And in the end, you achieve your outcome.    

This is exactly how I work toward my goals and resolutions, but Brooke set out the framework of how it’s done in such a compact and easy to follow way.   

So, for example, if you’re trying to lose a certain number of pounds in a set timeframe, have you taken the time to really believe you can achieve that goal?  Have you written it down?  Have you taken the number of pounds you want to shed and divided it by the number of weeks you set for your deadline to see how many pounds you would need to lose each week?  Have you anticipated your obstacles and turned them into to do items that are on your calendar?  Have you blocked time on your calendar to exercise?  Have you blocked time on your calendar to meal prep?  Are you keeping your promises to yourself and actually doing the things you set out on your calendar?  If you answer yes to all of these questions and have a plan of execution for your goals, you can accomplish anything.   


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Productively Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team