100 Tiny Adjustments

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 


Here at Focus to Evolve, we teach a few skills that once applied cause deeply meaningful change in the recipient's work and life in general.  Students are shocked by how this one small tweak or that tiny adjustment eliminated this feeling of overwhelm or that feeling of being off balance or out of control.  We've logged thousands of hours to know which tweaks are needed in specific contextual situations.   

Having taught thousands our modalities and meta-skills, we've noticed a pattern.  Small tweaks/adjustments when held steady over days and weeks make a huge difference.  These opportunities are all around us at all times.  Pick two small things today that you'd shift if you were living your ideal/highest way.  The first one can be get out of bed and do 5 perfect little pushups before you even turn your light on or put your pants on.  That's a big win.  That's 5 more pushups than you did yesterday.  The second one could be to make sure the kitchen counter is spotless before you go to sleep so you wake to a clean kitchen (if you have 3 teenagers - this is NOT a good one to start with). 

You get the idea.  Maybe you'll choose picking socks up from your floor that have laid there for 5 days - these are micro "doables" that build the meta-habit of agency to draft your life.  These small adjustments build confidence over time at your infrastructure level.  The psychology around this is deep.  A disorderly feeling is one of the lowest vibrational states a human can be in.  Picking one or two little things like this can help "get back" control and building the habit of having control multiplies like a snowball.   

Pick one or two things and begin; the feeling that you'll notice after a few days will surprise you.  If something about this rings true and you'd like to integrate this modality more fully into your work and life, please click here and say hello!    

Deliberately Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team  
