Save Your Grocery/Shopping List

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about my packing list and how it gives me calm assurance that I have everything packed that I need before trips.  Checklists are such a helpful tool.  Another list I reference often is my grocery/shopping list. 

There are few inconveniences more annoying than shopping, getting home, and realizing you forgot something you needed.  A little more time planning before the first trip to the store will often eliminate the need for those frustrating second trips.   

I keep a digital Excel spreadsheet of all of the grocery/shopping items that we like to have handy in our home.  In the past, this list was written out in a notebook.  Amazon’s Alexa can also keep your shopping list for you.  Before each trip to the store, I go down the full checklist of items we like to have in the house, and I compare that list to what we actually have.  Anything that’s missing, goes on the shopping list for that trip.  New items are added to the master shopping list as new products become favorites in our house.  Sometimes I even have aisle numbers saved for where I can find my items, and I map out the most efficient route before my shopping trip.  That might be over the top organized, but it’s a fun little game I play with myself to see how efficiently I can get in and out of stores.   

Taking 5-10 minutes before heading out to the store helps me save so much time both at the store and in avoiding return trips for items I forget.  If you find yourself often making those second trips because of items you forgot, consider a master grocery/shopping list.  It provides a system of prompting you to consider all the items you like to have in your home and replenishing them the first time. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team