Smart or Learner

By Jason Henkel, Chief Balance Engineer 


My life changed the day I started identifying as a learner instead of being pinned to whether I was smart or not.  From that moment forward, when I didn't know an answer or was called "ignorant" or "stupid" or any other interesting adjectives that folks who aren't aligned call other folks, I got excited!   

Think about it...I'm a learner.  So when someone thinks I'm unintelligent, I have an opportunity to learn.  Do my thing!  That's what I do.  It made me almost want to thank people for considering me stupid!   

Try it on for yourself.  Strive to be the expert learner in any room rather than the smartest person or most knowledgeable.  Get excited when you don't know.  Admit it and tackle it from a growth mindset.   

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Increasingly Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team