The Is-ness of a Tree

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

In last week’s blog post, I wrote about worry and how I seek to lessen it more and more in my life.  Another train of thought that I ride when worry seeks to sink my brain is to focus on a tree.  Stick with me here. 

In the back yard of my house there is a very big, majestic tree.  I adore this tree.  Just looking at it has taught me so many lessons.  In May 2020 I left a job with a good and steady paycheck in the world of finance to embark on my current journey in a vocation with no steady paycheck.  Before making the leap from my old job to my new one, I had a lot of worried thoughts running amok in my head.  What if you can’t pay your bills?!  What if you fail?!  Those thoughts could have been overwhelming and scared me enough to stay in the job that I had no passion for.   

But thankfully, whenever those worried thoughts came, a deeper part of myself would guide my eyes to that tree in the backyard.  And that tree inspired new thoughts.  I would look at how big it is, way bigger than I or any human will ever be.  I would marvel at how it doesn’t have to move anywhere or toil in order to get what it needs in order to grow that tall.  The rain, the sun, the nutrients that it needs comes to it without any strenuous effort on its part.   

I think of how old trees can be.  Once in a while there are stories about trees that have survived since Biblical times.  Those trees also just quietly live in the place they are planted and live longer than the bustling humans running around them.   

And the services that a tree quietly provides to every being around them put most of us humans to shame.  I watch the birds and other critters that find shelter in the tree.  I breathe the air it creates and take refuge in the shade it gives.  The tree is never loud or demanding or worried, it asks for nothing.  Yet it receives everything it needs and makes the world a better place.  And then I realize that if I can just be like that tree, I will live a life of worth.  Pondering the is-ness of that tree has quieted many a disquieting thought in my mind.  That tree made me realize that I don’t need to worry about a steady paycheck.  What I need will come to me when I need it, in one way or another.  That tree gave me the courage and permission to start walking a much more fulfilling yet uncertain path knowing that my intention to truly serve and help people will guide me to where I need to be either on this current path or on a new one.  May the is-ness of the trees also help to quiet those worrying thoughts in your life so you may tread the uniquely beautiful path that belongs to you. 


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Peacefully Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team