Thoughts I No Longer Waste Time On: I'm Too Old To...

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

This week, I’m continuing the theme from last week’s post about habits I stopped doing because they don’t serve me and are a waste of time and energy.  Another habit or thought that I am working on abolishing in my life is thinking I’m too old to do something.   

We tell ourselves this limiting garbage all the time.  I’m too old to wear that.  I’m too old to enjoy that.  I’m too old to quit my job and start over.  I’m too old to go back to school.  I’m too old to change.  The list goes on.  And the older I get, the more I know that I’m too old to believe any of these limits anymore.   

We don’t have expiration dates.  We don’t hit an age and lose our value.  We get to be whatever we want to be at whatever age.  So if you like collecting toys and coloring, that’s not something only kids get to enjoy.  If you want to wear a two-piece bathing suit to the beach, do you!  If you want to go back to school or learn something new after you pass your 25th birthday, no one can stop you!  We see videos or stories of people in their 70’s going to college or becoming bodybuilders or learning to bake cakes for the first time and smile on the inside, appreciating their courage to challenge norms and step outside of the box.  But what if we all just demolished the box, at least in our own lives?  It could be normal for people of any age to go to school or change careers or continue to grow.  As long as what I want to do doesn’t hurt others, then I don’t want to believe I’m ever too old to do anything.  Those 70 year-olds out there going back to school, bodybuilding, and learning to bake give me permission to live my life exactly as I wish at any age.  And if I can be a similar example to give you permission to live your life exactly as you wish, then that is a blessing for me beyond measure.   

For younger readers, this goes for you too.  A thought I didn’t entertain often in my youth was, “I’m too young to…”  Age doesn’t have to hold any of us back from what we want.  I don’t preoccupy my time with concern over age, and I give you permission to do the same.  Live your life. 

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Radically Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team