Use Ctrl and Shift Keys to Select Multiple Emails

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

When working in my Microsoft Outlook inbox, there are often times when I want to select more than one email to either move into a file folder or drag into a calendar meeting or task.  I could drag each email one by one into their ultimate resting places, or I can use the Ctrl and Shift keys on my keyboard to select more than one email concurrently.

Let’s imagine I have a big chunk of emails in my inbox that I want to move to an email file folder.  If those emails are consecutive without any other emails in between them, then I can use my mouse to click on the first email that I want to move, scroll down with my mouse until I see the last email I want to move, hit the Shift key on my keyboard, and then use my mouse to click that last email.  If I do this choreography correctly, then all of the emails between my first and second clicks on the mouse will be selected.  At this point, I can just drag or move the many emails into the email file folder.

Now let’s assume that I want to add three emails to a task (maybe they’re the flight, car service, and hotel confirmation emails for an upcoming trip that I have tasked).  Those three emails are not right next to each other in my inbox.  But that’s no problem.  I simply click the first email, hold the Ctrl button down on my keyboard, then I click the other two emails.  All three of the emails should now be selected, and I can drag all three into a task.

Practice using the Ctrl and Shift keys to select multiple emails simultaneously, especially if you’ve moved them one by one in the past.  These keys can save you a lot of time.

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Sincerely Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team