Use Pictures to Help with Holiday Decorating

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

I like to decorate my house for holidays.  Easter, Halloween, and Christmas are times when I love to transform our home with decorations to commemorate the season.  Not so long ago, I realized I have a secret weapon that can help me save a lot of time when decorating…pictures. 

The 11-12 months between holidays and decorating for them is enough time for my brain to forget a lot of important details.  Take Christmas for example.  I have quite a few Christmas decorations, and I decorate numerous trees in our home each year.  I realized early in my decorating endeavors that I wouldn’t readily remember where I put decorations from year to year.  This isn’t necessarily a problem.  I could just decorate a new way every year.  However, if I like the look of the decorations one year, a very easy way to replicate that look was to take a picture of it, save the picture in my Google Photos, reference that picture the next year, and recreate it.  So instead of redecorating and figuring out where everything should go each holiday, I just look at the reference picture and put everything in their spots. 

I take pictures of where I place decorations, how I plug in the pieces of my holiday villages, the way I pack boxes in cabinets that can only fit everything if I pack it a certain way…anything that is helpful for me to know but that I won’t just remember from year to year.   

I have decorating tasks set up for each of my holiday decorating seasons, and I have the dates where I can find my reference photos noted in those tasks.  Each year it takes me less time to do this time-intensive labor of love.  If you find yourself wondering, “How did I do this last year?”…take a picture this year!  Your future self will thank you. 

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