Use the Fancy Gifts

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

This is a PSA to all of my fellow pack rats out there: USE THE FANCY GIFTS. 

Let me explain.  In the past, I’ve received gifts like fancy soaps, lotions, candles, dishes, alcohol, chocolates, gift cards, etc.  And each time I would receive one of these fancy gifts, my brain would say something like, “Let’s save this for a special occasion.”  But let me tell you a secret…those special occasions never materialized.  And at some point, I looked in my closets, pantry, and the other nooks and crannies of my home, and they’re full of many years old fancy soaps and lotions, chocolate that has long expired, and gift cards for stores that no longer even exist! 

So I have made a new rule for myself: I’m going to use all of the fancy gifts, within a year if it’s possible.  I’ve wasted so many nice things because the pack rat in me has a loud voice.  But no more pack rat!  I’m going to enjoy my gifts now before they expire!  So fair readers, don’t be like me.  Don’t let your fancy gifts go to waste like I’ve done in the past.  Find or create the occasions to enjoy your stuff.  YOLO. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team