Mind Trick: Put Off Until Tomorrow to Get It Done Today

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

Have you ever had one more thing on your to do list for the day but you didn’t feel like you had the energy to complete it?  Sometimes when I feel like I don’t have the energy, I really don’t have the energy and my body or mind just needs a break.  Usually when I really need a break, my mind doesn’t even allow me to think about the task that was left undone.  My brain just peacefully lets go of it until the next day so I can rest today. 

But if I don’t think I have the energy, but my mind keeps ruminating on the task, then I’ll try a little mind trick.  In my mind and on my to do list, I’ll take the remaining task for today and move it to a task for tomorrow.  I’ll then look at my task list for tomorrow.  The task that I wanted to complete today now isn’t due today.  It’s due tomorrow, in the future.  Now if I complete the task today, I’ll be working ahead on something that isn’t even due yet.  For some reason, considering working ahead on a future task (that now isn’t due until tomorrow) gives my brain and body a boost of energy, and I’m usually able to complete the task.  This circular thinking is convoluted and may seem weird, but I swear this jedi mind trick works to give me the last boost of energy I need to finish my task list for the day at least 50% of the time.  Give it a try! 

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Productively Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team  
