Creating New Outlook File Folders Using Keyboard Strokes

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer 

Last week’s blog entry talked about using the keyboard keys CTRL + SHIFT + V to move emails from your inbox to one of your Outlook file folders.  But what if you need to create a new file folder for the email you want to move?  You can do that without touching your mouse as well. 

Let’s say I have an email from a new client, and I create new Outlook file folders for each of my clients.  I don’t have a new folder for this client yet, so I need to make one.  I make sure the email from the new client is selected/highlighted in my inbox.  I then hit CTRL + SHIFT + V to bring up the Move Items window.  Then I press ALT + N, which will bring up the Create New Folder Window.  Next I type the name I want for the folder.  I hit TAB to go down to the next item, and I leave the Folder contains: Mail and Post Items as is.  I hit TAB again to the Select where to place the folder option.  I can type in the name of the folder I want this new folder to be nested under.  So let’s say I have a Clients folder and each of my clients have their own sub-folder under that Clients folder.  In the Select where to place the folder area, I would make sure my main Clients folder is highlighted so my new client folder would be placed under it (alphabetically).  I can also use my arrow keys on my keyboard to navigate and select where I want my new folder to be located.  I then hit Enter to select OK.  And then Enter again to select the OK button in the Move Items window. 

Writing these instructions out in words makes it look a little confusing, but if you force your fingers to do it 5 times, your brain starts to see the pattern.  Once that pattern is set in your brain, you can fly through moving out any amount of emails from your inbox in record time. 

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Sincerely Yours,  

Focus to Evolve Team